It's All Connected
It's All Connected Podcast
Spring: Anger, Frustration & Benevolence

Spring: Anger, Frustration & Benevolence

Do you experience anger and frustration during the season of spring?

What can you “do” about it?

In this weeks’ podcast, I give some examples of what you can shift, change, and adopt in order to make this your smoothest and easiest spring yet!


  • About the Spring Season and Chinese Medicine

  • The Wood Element

  • The Liver and Gallbladder

  • Why we get angry, frustrated, “stuck”, or even feel timid or lost this time of year

  • Healthy perspectives and practices

  • Practicing Benevolent Boundaries

  • The Wood element, Liver and Gallbladder’s role in Dreams (inner and external)

  • Our vision: inner and outer

  • Creativity

  • What we can eat to help our Livers

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It's All Connected
It's All Connected Podcast
Everything in our life is a metaphor and can be reflected in the seasons, nature, the little things in our life, our struggles, challenges and triumphs.
From how we feel in autumn and winter, to the emotions we experience regularly and the foods we crave and desire: it's all connected.
In this podcast, Pamela delves into the connections between life, nature, Chinese Medicine, neuroplasticity, our emotional landscapes, and more.